Members only

The links here are for Shim lab members only.  You need ASU credentials to log in and view the contents. 

Sites to get free EDU accounts

Overleaf (through ASU), Google (through ASU), Dropbox (through ASU), Evernote, Zetero, Zenodo, Github

Jupyter notebooks

Jupyter notebook gallery for mineral physics data analysis: The gallery includes data analysis and figures from the papers Shim group has published for the past 5 years.


Synchrotron data: google drive folder for group's synchrotron data [coming soon]

Log table for multi-anvil press runs: record for multi-anvil experiments at ASU

Log table for hydrogen loading system: record for cells and loading conditions


Slack workspace for Shim group


Group calendar


Shim group policy: policies on publication, meetings, activities, trip reimbursement, laboratory safety, laboratory operations, etc.

Career development: being a graduate student and preparation for the future, recommended ASU courses, self study textbooks, tips on oral and poster presentations, how to enjoy conference, etc.

Writing help: how to write paper, latex basics, latex help, overleaf help.

DAC operation manual: aligning diamond anvils, loading samples in DAC, how much Fe, Al, Pt for mixing with silicates.

Manuals for Shim lab instruments: fiber optic laser heating system, CO2 laser heating system, Raman system, Micro-manipulator etc.

Help for data analysis: X-ray diffraction data, Raman data, etc.

Manuals for the hydrogen loading system

JCPDS files: please be organized under your folder