Linking Research and Education

I am interested in open-source, reproducible science movement. The ideal tool available now for scientist is Jupyter among a few. Jupyter is also an excellent teaching tool as well. From this common ground, I am interested in linking research and education. Research results written in Jupyter can be converted easily to education notebooks. Such notebooks will have data, codes, figures and tables, allowing students to understand the contents much more efficiently. Furthermore, because students can modify the codes, they can try their own ideas, providing a natural link to inquiry-based leaning.

Many research areas in Earth and planetary sciences are intrinsically data driven. In fact, often we handle very large datasets. Can we train our undergraduates and graduates fluent in large data? This will be important educational contributions we can make.

(Photo below) 2019 AGU session on Linking Research and Education through Jupyter (from right, Fernando Perez, Rebecca Farrington, and Dan Shim)

Jupyter notebooks for PeakPo

github repo

Peakpo is a GUI app which can analyze large X-ray diffraction data set. Like other GUI apps, it has rigid structure and workflow. By reading codes used by PeakPo and the output files from PeakPo in Jupyter notebook, you can customize the workflow and visualization of data files for more personalized approach. The notebooks can be also used for teaching basic X-ray diffraction data processing in a classroom setting or tutorial setting.

Jupyter notebooks for Pytheos

github repo

In a series of notebooks, I demonstrate how pytheos can be used for equation of state related datasets. I found it is much easier to start new modules by having example notebooks rather than manual.

Jupyter notebooks for Planetary Materials Education

github repo

Earth scientists and planetary scientists have built large databases for research. Here we demonstrate that such databases can be also very powerful tool to teach not only planetary science but also coding and data science skills at the same time. This is still under development. The goal is to provide open-source teaching modules.

Jupyter notebooks for equation of state tutorial

github repo for tutorial | github repo for exercise

I prepared a series of notebooks to give tutorial to non-mineral physics audience at the CIDER 2018 meeting.